Dr. Patel’s Education and Training

After graduating with highest honors from Ross University in New Jersey with his medical degree, Dr. Patel completed his internal medicine residency and fellowship in pulmonary and critical care at Georgetown University/Washington Hospital Center in Washington, DC. Prior to his career in medicine, Dr. Patel practiced pharmacy for four years after earning his bachelor’s degree in pharmacy at St. John’s University in Queens, New York.

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A Multi-Specialty Physician

Dr. Vinay Patel has a special interest in adult bronchiectasis, non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection (NTM), assessment and diagnosis of lung nodules, and the diagnosing and staging of lung cancer with minimally invasive diagnostic techniques, including electromagnetic navigational and robotic bronchoscopy. Additionally, he sees and manages patients with asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease, interstitial lung disease/idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, chronic coughs, and sleep disorders.

Dr. Patel Puts the Well-Being of His Patients Above All Else

Originally from New York City, Dr. Patel enjoys spending time with his family in sunny Naples when he isn’t practicing medicine. Caring for his patients is of great importance to Dr. Patel, and he consistently looks to develop long-term relationships with them. He believes that with careful and competent diagnosis and proper treatment and care, his patients will feel better and live longer while avoiding complications of chronic pulmonary diseases.

Awards and Honors

Throughout his career, Dr. Patel has received several awards and honors from the medical community. He was named the NCH Physician of the Year in 2021, and he has also been named a Top Doctor by Naples Illustrated.

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Schedule Your Appointment With Dr. Vinay Patel Today

Dr. Patel is passionate about getting to know his patients, developing personalized treatment plans for them and going the extra mile to help them become healthier and happier versions of themselves. If you’d like to Schedule an Appointment with Dr. Patel and start working toward improved health and wellness, simply give our office a call at Meliora Healthcare today.

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