Flexible Sigmoidoscopy in Naples, FL 

Persistent symptoms affecting your bowel or lower digestive system should never be left untreated. When signs like anal bleeding, frequent diarrhea, lower abdominal pain, or unexplained weight loss arise, it's essential to take action promptly. At Meliora Healthcare, we provide a specialized procedure known as flexible sigmoidoscopy to ensure accurate diagnoses of various bowel issues. 

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Why Choose Flexible Sigmoidoscopy at Meliora Healthcare? 

  • Screening: We offer Flexible Sigmoidoscopy as a vital screening tool to detect early signs of colorectal cancer and other abnormalities in the lower colon. 
  • Diagnosis: If you're experiencing symptoms such as rectal bleeding or require evaluation for conditions like diverticulosis or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), our flex sig procedure can provide valuable diagnostic information. 
  • Monitoring: For patients with known gastrointestinal conditions, we use Flexible Sigmoidoscopy to monitor disease progression and the effectiveness of treatment. 

What is Flexible sigmoidoscopy? 

Flexible Sigmoidoscopy, or flex sig for short, is a diagnostic procedure that allows our skilled healthcare providers to closely examine the sigmoid colon and rectum. Using a flexible, slender tube equipped with a camera and light source, we can gain invaluable insights into your lower colon's health. 

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Preparing for Flexible Sigmoidoscopy 

Proper preparation is essential for a successful procedure. Our team will provide you with clear, easy-to-follow instructions, which may include dietary guidelines and the use of laxatives or enemas to ensure your colon is properly cleansed.

What to Expect During Your Procedure 

During your Flexible Sigmoidoscopy at Meliora Healthcare, you'll be positioned comfortably on your left side. Our experienced healthcare providers will gently insert the sigmoidoscope through your rectum to examine the colon lining. While some pressure and mild discomfort may be experienced, rest assured that our team is dedicated to ensuring your comfort throughout the procedure. 

After Your Procedure 

Following the procedure, you may experience temporary discomfort or gas. However, most of our patients can resume their daily activities shortly afterward. Our healthcare providers will discuss their findings with you and recommend any necessary follow-up steps or treatments.

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Your Path to Better Digestive Health 

Flexible Sigmoidoscopy at Meliora Healthcare is not just a procedure; it's a pathway to proactive digestive health management. Whether you're considering it as a diagnostic tool or a routine screening, our expert team is here to guide you every step of the way. 

If you have questions about Flexible Sigmoidoscopy or believe it may be essential for your health, we encourage you to consult with our healthcare providers. Your well-being is our top priority, and we're committed to helping you achieve and maintain optimal gastrointestinal health. 

Flexible Sigmoidoscopy FAQ

How long does the procedure take?

What can I expect during the procedure?

What happens after Flexible Sigmoidoscopy?

How long does the procedure take?

Flexible Sigmoidoscopy typically takes around 15 to 30 minutes to complete.

What can I expect during the procedure?

During Flexible Sigmoidoscopy, you'll typically lie on your left side. Following sedation, the sigmoidoscope will be gently inserted through your rectum, allowing your healthcare provider to examine your colon lining.

What happens after Flexible Sigmoidoscopy?

Most patients can resume their normal activities shortly afterward. Your healthcare provider will discuss their findings with you and recommend any necessary follow-up steps or treatments.

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