A Comprehensive Solution to Diagnosis and Staging using Endobronchial Ultrasound in Naples, FL

If your healthcare provider has found something concerning on an X-ray or CT scan, you may be referred for an endobronchial ultrasound. At Meliora Healthcare, we offer this procedure to help accurately diagnose and stage patients with lung and other types of cancer, detect infections, and identify inflammatory conditions that can affect the lungs.

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What Is an Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS)?

Endobronchial ultrasound is a type of bronchoscopy that is minimally invasive and very effective in diagnosing and staging cancers, infections, and inflammatory lung conditions. During the procedure a thin, lighted tube (bronchoscope) is used to look in your airways. Special devices called Convex-Probe EBUS (CP-EBUS) and Radial-Probe EBUS (RP-EBUS) are used to examine the lungs in more depth and/or take samples of fluid and tissues for further evaluation. EBUS allows our physicians to perform a technique known as transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) to obtain tissue or fluid samples from the lungs and surrounding lymph nodes without conventional surgery.  The benefits of EBUS are: 

  • Real-time imaging of the lungs, airways, blood vessels, and lymph nodes
  • Allows the doctor to view hard-to-reach areas
  • Requires little to no recovery time; Provides accurate diagnosis

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Who Needs an Endobronchial Ultrasound?

If your healthcare provider has seen something abnormal or concerning on a lung CT scan or PET scan, you may be referred for an EBUS. When you have an appointment with one of our skilled pulmonologists at Meliora Healthcare, they'll evaluate your situation to determine if an endobronchial ultrasound is necessary. Some of the indications for an EBUS include the:

  • Diagnosis of lung infections and abscesses 
  • Diagnosis and staging of lung cancer
  • Diagnosis of lymphoma and other malignancies
  • Diagnosis of sarcoidosis and silicosis
  • Detection of airway narrowing or stenosis
  • Detection and sampling of lung masses and nodules

What Should I Expect?

  • If you are having an EBUS, you will be told not to eat after midnight the night before (or about 8 hours before) the procedure.
  • You will also receive instructions about taking your regular medicines, not smoking, and removing any dentures before the procedure. Be sure to ask about stopping any medications that thin the blood or prevent clotting.
  • You will be under the care of an anesthesiology team that will monitor your heart rate, oxygen levels, blood pressure and breathing and will also manage the intravenous sedation that you will be receiving.
  • You will be lying down on a procedure bed with the head of the bed tilted up slightly. The EBUS scope is placed through a breathing mask or breathing tube, then advanced slowly through the vocal cords and into the airways where sampling is performed.
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What happens after the procedure?

Patients vary in how long it takes to wake up from sedation. You will need to stay in a recovery area until the sedative has worn off, and you will also need to wait until the numbing medicine wears off before eating or drinking any liquids. You will need to have someone else drive you home after the procedure. It is unlikely that you will experience any problems after the test other than a mild sore throat, hoarseness, cough or muscle aches. You may also have a low grade fever for a day or two. You may resume your regular activities after sedation wears off, however you should avoid strenuous activities on the day of the procedure.

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Why Choose Meliora Healthcare?

Our highly skilled and experienced pulmonologists will ensure that you have a comfortable experience and receive fully accurate results. We understand that navigating health challenges can be a daunting task, but you don't have to do it alone. Our team is dedicated to providing not only medical support but also a warm and empathetic environment where you feel valued. At Meliora, our physicians are renowned for their expertise, compassion, and attention to detail. They will provide you with fully personalized treatment and do everything possible to assist you on your journey toward better health. If you’re ready to schedule a consultation, simply reach out to our office today.

Endobronchial Ultrasound FAQ

Are there alternatives to an EBUS?

How long does an EBUS take?

How long will it take to get my results?

Is an EBUS safe?

Are there alternatives to an EBUS?

A mediastinoscopy is a conventional diagnostic surgical procedure, where a small incision is made in the neck above or next to the breastbone. A small camera, called a mediastinoscope, is inserted into this opening to provide access for tissue sampling from the lungs or lymph nodes. An endobronchial ultrasound is much less invasive and no incision is needed.

How long does an EBUS take?

The length of the procedure varies depending on what needs to be done and why you need it. Typically, it can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

How long will it take to get my results?

Biopsies can take anywhere from 5-7 days and cultures can take anywhere from 72 hours to 6 weeks to finalize.

Is an EBUS safe?

EBUS is a safe procedure. Serious risks from the procedure, such as an air leak or major bleeding, are uncommon and occur in less than 5% of patients. Your doctor will discuss the risks of the procedure with you in more detail at your visit.

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