Prepare for Your Next Trip With High-Altitude Simulation Testing in Naples, FL

For people who suffer from chronic lung conditions, traveling by plane or visiting high-altitude places can be a serious health risk. When the lungs can’t absorb enough oxygen, it can cause a condition called hypoxia, which means that there’s not sufficient oxygen in the blood and tissues. To prevent hypoxia in high-altitude situations, many people need to bring extra oxygen along when they travel. If you’re planning to fly or spend time in a high-altitude environment and have concerns over how your lungs will handle it, you may want to consider undergoing high-altitude simulation testing at Meliora Healthcare.

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Who Should have High Altitude Simulation Testing?

If you’ve suffered from any chronic respiratory condition and plan to fly or visit a high-altitude location, you may be a good candidate for high-altitude simulation testing. To be eligible for this procedure, At Meliora, one of our knowledgeable pulmonologists will sit down with you for a private appointment. During this meeting, they will evaluate your health and medical history to determine if high-altitude simulation testing is a necessary step for you.

What Is High-Altitude Simulation Testing?

High-altitude simulation testing is a non-invasive medical procedure performed to determine if a person’s lungs will need supplemental oxygen when exposed to a high-altitude environment. Most commonly, this type of test is performed for individuals who will be flying or traveling to a high-altitude area in the near future and want to ensure that their lungs will be able to absorb enough oxygen.

During the high-altitude simulation testing procedure, our expert pulmonologists have the patient breathe a special gas, which simulates the slightly reduced oxygen levels of a high-altitude environment. The patient’s blood oxygen saturation, heart rate, and heart rhythm are then monitored. They will also be attached to an oxygen tank, which will allow the doctor to measure how much extra air the lungs require to breathe normally.

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What to Expect During the Procedure

  • You don’t need to follow any specific instructions to prepare
    When you arrive your blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation and how short of breath you feel will be documented
  • During the HAST, you’ll breathe into a mask that simulates the lower oxygen levels you’d experience at high altitude for 15 minutes. A nasal oxygen cannula will be placed underneath this mask in case you need it.
  • Our team will closely monitor you for any symptoms while you rest, and then while you are active and we will record your vital signs and shortness of breath rating again
  • If you require additional oxygen, you’ll be able to breathe this through the nasal oxygen cannula that is placed underneath the facemask
  • Generally, HAST does not require any recovery time, and you should be able to back to your normal activities following completion of the test.
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Why Choose Meliora Healthcare for High-Altitude Simulation Testing in Naples?

We at Meliora Healthcare believe in a fully patient-centric approach to healthcare. Our practice places you at the center of all we do. Your safety, comfort, and satisfaction are paramount, and we're committed to going the extra mile to exceed your expectations. Throughout your treatment process, our award-winning physicians will take the time to understand your unique situation to provide you with personalized treatment and solutions. You deserve quality guidance and support as you work to improve your health, and we’ll be with you every step of your journey. Contact us today if you’d like to learn more or schedule your initial appointment.

High-Altitude Simulation Testing FAQ

How long does HAST take?

How long will it take to get my results?

Is HAST safe?

How long does HAST take?

The length of the procedure is usually around 30 minutes.

How long will it take to get my results?

Your doctor will discuss the results with you at your next visit, but you can usually find the result on the patient portal within 1 week.

Is HAST safe?

HAST is very safe with a very low risk of complications as it is not an invasive procedures. Your vital signs will be monitored closely during the test to ensure your safety.

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