What Is the pH BRAVO Study? 

The pH BRAVO study is a diagnostic procedure used to monitor and evaluate the levels of acid in your esophagus over an extended period. It is a valuable tool for assessing and managing conditions like GERD, where stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, leading to symptoms such as heartburn and regurgitation. 

older lady smiling

How Does the pH BRAVO Study Work? 

During the pH BRAVO study, a small pH sensor capsule is placed in your esophagus, just above the lower esophageal sphincter. This capsule is securely attached and will continuously measure the acidity levels in your esophagus over 48 hours. You'll also wear a small receiver that records the data from the capsule.

Why Is pH BRAVO Study Important? 

The pH BRAVO study provides essential information about the frequency and duration of acid reflux episodes, helping our healthcare providers diagnose and manage your condition more effectively. It can determine the severity of GERD and guide treatment decisions, such as medication adjustments or the consideration of surgical options.

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What to Expect During the pH BRAVO Study? 

Getting a pH BRAVO study is a patient-friendly process. The placement of the pH capsule is done during an endoscopy, ensuring accuracy and comfort. Once the capsule is in place, you can continue your daily activities as usual while the device records data. 
Results and Treatment Planning:
After the monitoring period, our healthcare providers will analyze the data collected during the pH BRAVO study. Based on the results, they will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan to manage your acid reflux or GERD. This may include medication adjustments, lifestyle changes, or further diagnostic tests. 

Choosing Meliora Healthcare for Your pH BRAVO Study 

When you choose Meliora Healthcare for your pH BRAVO study, you can trust that you are receiving top-notch care from experienced gastroenterologists. We are committed to providing accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans to improve your digestive health and quality of life. 

If you have been experiencing symptoms of acid reflux or GERD, such as heartburn or regurgitation, don't hesitate to reach out to us. The Endoscopic pH BRAVO study is just one of the advanced tools we use to help you achieve better digestive health and well-being. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment and take the first step toward finding relief from acid reflux symptoms. 

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What is the pH BRAVO study, and why is it performed?

How is the pH BRAVO study performed, and is it uncomfortable?

What can I expect after the pH BRAVO study, and when will I receive the results?

What is the pH BRAVO study, and why is it performed?

The pH BRAVO study is a diagnostic procedure used to monitor and evaluate acid levels in the esophagus over an extended period. It is typically performed to assess and manage conditions like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The study helps healthcare providers determine the severity of acid reflux, guiding treatment decisions and improving digestive health.

How is the pH BRAVO study performed, and is it uncomfortable?

During the pH BRAVO study, a small pH sensor capsule is attached to the esophageal lining. The capsule continuously measures acid levels while you wear a small receiver. The procedure is typically well-tolerated and minimally invasive. It does not require sedation, and most patients find it comfortable and convenient.

What can I expect after the pH BRAVO study, and when will I receive the results?

After the monitoring period (usually 48 hours), the data collected by the pH capsule is analyzed by healthcare providers. You can expect to receive the results and discuss them with your healthcare provider within a few days to a week. Based on the findings, a personalized treatment plan may be recommended to manage acid reflux or GERD effectively.

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